About Reconnecting Body Mind

At Reconnecting Body Mind, I believe in the power of BodyTalk techniques to provide insights into your body's needs. My approach respects the body's own wisdom and guides its priorities for healing. Allow me to help you unlock the healing power within.

Frank's principles

Respecting the body's needs

Insights to targeted areas

Prioritizing your body's healing

I prioritize your body's own needs and guide its healing process.

BodyTalk techniques provide insights to the areas of your anatomy that need attention.

What may seem obvious to you may not be the first priority for your body's healing.

Attended Black Hawk College IL.
and California State University CA.
My training includes: Body Talk Access Technician
Bodytalk- module 1,2,3,6
Reverse Speech Practitioner, Analyst, Trainer and Investigator
Reconnective Healing
Past Life Therapy
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Matrix Energetics-level 1,2
Graphic Artist

Frank Gomez

I was first introduced to Bodytalk in 2005, After my training I was astonished how effective it was in healing my moms hip pain completely. For me I was physically beaten up when I was 19 yrs old and I had though I had healed and released that experience years ago. During BT training it came up and I had an immediate reaction and release. I was emotionally and physically healed from that event in my life. I was convinced Bodytalk was the real deal.

Meet Frank

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